Joseline Hernandez Of “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” A Man?

Joseline hernandezAfter the premiere episode of “Love & Hip Hop Atlanta” last night, Joseline Hernandez’s sex is being questioned! Maybe it is just a vicious rumor because Joseline Hernandez disgraced women on national T.V last night, but BloggerSandra Rose reported on the allegations a week before the show even aired.

Rose posted the anonymous letter, which read:
“I have solid proof that “Joseline Hernandez” of ‘Love Hip Hop Atlanta’ was born a man. “Joe” and I went to the same high school. Attached is a photo scan of his HS yearbook picture before the surgeries. (Please don’t publish his pic!) I was close to him in high school. Here is my contact info. Let’s talk.”

Watch the full episode:


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