
Showing posts from February 13, 2022

Wendy Williams Denies Mental Health Allegations After Wells Fargo Freezes Her Bank Accounts

B-13 Peer Review : Note from the editor For you that follow my blog you know I don't always like to break a story. I sometimes like to wait until the facts come out before I respond in some cases and this is one. I am truly not a fan of Wendy Williams, so what I am about to say comes from an objective place. It doesn't take me to be a follower to have compassion for another human being. It is me responding to what I consider #mansinhumanitytoman .  Now that being said let get into what I am thinking on this subject.  After watching the videos and listening to all the bloggers and fans here is what I think. Before I get into it I want to preface by saying I don't steal ideas of other bloggers because #GODgaveyouabrainuseit . Nor will I shadow stalk other bloggers to get content without giving them credit; because, "I have my own thoughts," now that being said, let's get into it.  I believe Wells Fargo has a reason to block Wendy's accounts and did the right...

Alec Baldwin Faces Wrongful Death Suit. Worker Safety, Industry Standards At Crux Of Case
