Love & Hip-Hop Atlanta’s Joseline Denies She Was Injured in Club Brawl
“Face smooth like a baby,” Joseline said via Twitter. She also made sure to post a picture (left) to prove it.
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Online media exploded with the news that a fan approached the aspiring singer/stripper/alleged prostitute to ask about her — spoiler alert — abortion that will be revealed later in the season. She went on the attack, claiming the sites reporting the news were not credible and fans were stupid for believing the drama and staying on Twitter all day discussing it:
“Once again MTO is always getting false statements I should take y’all to court for lying lol. I don’t have to b on this fake a** s**t all day. Is not real… find u a JOB or do something with your lives.“The government make this 4 u dummies that believe this is real life. Please [miss] me with it cause I have work to do,” she said.“I’m not mad trust. Life is great. I do what I please and don’t give a F Wat u say bout me. Who in the f**k are y’all. Lmao keep digging your toes while u watch me on love and HipHop Atlanta. And after that most of y’all will be paying to go see me!!!”
Though LAHH, Atlanta is billed as a “docu-drama, in an interview with, producerMona Scott-Young says that these are completely authentic situations:
“One hundred percent happens on its own, and the cast will tell you that. All we do is set the stage for where it happens. [But] if a scene happens, and someone says or does something to someone, they’ll come to me and say, “I don’t feel like I really addressed that, or I sure think x,y,z. I want the opportunity to have that discussion.” Then we decide whether that discussion takes place. Sometimes it’s organic to the scene. That’s about as much of a hand as we have in this. But the rest of it…all that comes from the “we’re just really following the real stories as they’re unfolding.”
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