London Studio Centre Dance Auditions in Chicago, NY and L.A.
London Studio Centre – BA (Hons) Theatre Dance, USA Auditions
Type: Educational
Please note that this is an educational opportunity / dance classes and they do charge both audition fees and tuition. Auditions will be held in major US cities but the institution is located in the UK.
Audition for the opportunity to study for a three-year dance degree in London on a BA (Hons) in Theatre Dance.
London Studio Centre is an internationally renowned vocational conservatoire, training students to the highest standard in a broad range of dance disciplines to become versatile and valuable professional performers.
Students train in classical ballet, contemporary dance and jazz theatre dance, with a range of additional options and extensive performance opportunities. LSC has a long history of welcoming overseas students from many different countries including the USA, Japan, Brazil and Australia.
Auditions will be held in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles in three of the country’s premier dance studios. Applicants will take part in ballet, contemporary and jazz audition classes (with optional singing) and will have the opportunity to meet the director of the college and find out more about the opportunities of full-time dance training in London.
Auditions will take place in:
NEW YORK Peridance Capezio Center
Sunday 1 March 2015 10:30am – 17:30pm
CHICAGO Lou Conte Dance Studio, Hubbard Street Dance
Wednesday 4 March 2015 11:30am – 17:30pm
LOS ANGELES 3rd Street Dance
Saturday 7 March 2015 10:30am – 17:30pm
Apply online at or email for more information.
(+44)20 7837 7741
Facebook: London Studio Centre
Twitter: LdnStudioCentre
Instagram: ldnstudiocentre
Payment: Other
City or Location of call: New York, Chicago and Los Angeles
Please submit to:
This casting notice was posted by: London Studio Centre
Let them know you heard it here: B-13 PEER REVIEW
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