Casting Talkative Kids for International TV Commercial Pays $2350 – NY

A TV commercial filming in the New York City area is casting some very talkative kids between the ages of 3 and 6.

The smart car commercial will be holding in person auditions between the 14th and 20th of this month in New York. This is a non-union spot and will film between the 22nd and 23rd of April. The kids cast for the commercial will make $500 for the shoot + another $1750 for usage / buyout. The commercial will most likely run in Germany. Telsey + Company casting is looking for English speaking youngsters as well as kids who speak German.

All kids must be very talkative and outgoing. The commercial will feature a montage of children saying unexpected things, such as inappropriate phrases they may have heard / overheard their parents say. Parents should note that this will run overseas and parents should be OK with their kids using some foul language. The dialog should feel real, unscripted and uninhibited.

kids wanted in the NYC area for TV pilot

April 14, 2015 through April 2o, 2015 in New York City

April 22, 2015 to April 23, 2015 in New York City
Parents interested in getting an audition slot need to send a photo of their child as well as a resume (if their child has one) to the email listed on the below casting flier.
Auditions will be by appointment only and those selected from the initial submissions will be contacted with the exact audition location, date and time.
All talent applying must be able to get to the NYC area for auditions.
kids TV commercial


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