Auditions for Paid Roles in “The Man Behind The Helmet” in Tampa, FL

The Man Behind The Helmet

Auditions for the theater production of “The Man Behind The Helmet” are being held shortly in the Tampa Florida area. The show will be hosted by former NFL Player & Tampa Bay Buccaneer Frank D. Murphy and open auditions will be coming up on the 30th.
Location: Tampa, FL
Type: Theater
May 30, 2015
N. Armenia Ave. 5201
Tampa, Florida 33603
Hosted by former NFL Player & Tampa Bay Buccaneer Frank D. Murphy
Auditions starts at 10 a.m. -4:00 p.m.
Email a copy of headshot and Resume and bring a hardcopy of each as well, as well to:
(Submit by May 26, 2015 )
Subject Line: Request to Audition
*Maybe asked if you have a prepared monologue
-Character Descriptions of available roles will be sent in response to email and available at the audition.
Payment: Paid
City or Location of call: Tampa, FL
Please submit to: by
This casting notice was posted by: The Man Behind The Helmet Auditions

Auditions in Tampa for football project "Man Behind the Helmet"


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