Extras and Audience Wanted for “Where Is The Love” In Atlanta

Talk Show Pilot Taping – Seeking Audience / Extras

Location: Atlanta, GA
Type: Talk Show

Come out and join in on the fun and love at the ‘Where Is the Love?’ show, where our Hosts and Panelists will discuss topics on Love and relationships. Enjoy live performances from comedians, musicians, and spoken word artists.


(1.) We will choose several members to participate in our improv segment, ‘Love’s Point of View’, where the show’s topic will be acted out.

(2.) We will choose participants for our Audience’s Point of View segment, where they will give feedback on the show and topics…Join in on the fun!

**No audition necessary. For more information and to RSVP your tickets use the links below:
Dec. 6, 2015 3:00 P.M. – 4:30 P.M.: https://witltalkshow3.eventbrite.com
Dec. 6, 2015 5:00 P.M. – 6:30 P.M.: https://witltalkshow5.eventbrite.com

Payment: Non Paid
City or Location of call: Atlanta, GA

Please submit to: taylormadevisions@live.com by 2015-12-06
This casting notice was posted by: Nichelle Taylor, TaylorMade Visions

Audience Casting in Atlanta


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