Kids Auditions in Missouri for Disney’s “Cinderella” and “Mulan Jr.”

Disny’s Mulan and Cinderella Auditions at RockShow Academy

Location: Affton, MO
Type: Theater
Affton Missouri kids theater company and workshop, RockShow is holding open auditions for  Disney’s “Cinderella” and “Mulan Jr.”  Please note that these are kids acting / theater classes which include a production and there is a fee / tuition involved.
RockShow Academy’s production of Mulan Jr (AGES 5-18) will have auditions on 2 nights:
Tuesday, January 12th from 6pm-8pm AND
Thursday, January 14th from 6pm-8pm.
Auditions are on a “First Come-First Serve” basis both days; It does not matter which day you come to audition.
For Auditions: Prepare 16-32 bars of an appropriate song (with sheet music or a capella). No pre-recorded TRAX. Bring resume and head shot if you have one.
Once the show is cast, we will divide up into Tuesday and Thursday groups.
We will be holding auditions for our production of Mulan at the same time as the Cinderella Kids auditions (it will be the same audition) and you may indicate which of the two productions you want to be considered for (or you may be considered for both productions if you wish)
Mulan Junior
The performance date for Mulan is Saturday May 21st
There will be 2 performances:
2pm and 7pm:
PLEASE check your schedule before you accept a role
We also need the entire cast to be in town the entire week before the show.
Registration Fee: $25/student (includes 1 cast tee shirt)
Early Bird Price only $175.00! (payment must be made at your child’s first rehearsa.l)
OR 4 payments of $50.00
OR 16 payments of $14.00
Registration Fee: $25/student (includes 1 cast tee shirt)
Early BIrd Price only $150.00!
(Early Bird Payment must be made at first rehearsal)
OR 4 payments of $43.00
OR 16 payments of $12.00
Your group assignment will be given to you on the first day of rehearsal, along with the official rehearsal schedule. Rehearsals will be EITHER Tuesdays from 6pm-7:30 OR Thursdays from 6pm-8pm*.
There will be some extra rehearsals 2 weeks before Performance and several extra rehearsals Show Week (May 16th-May 20th).
Besides singing the great songs from Mulan in your car all semester, you can participate in the high energy, family oriented, encouraging and educational rehearsal process which is oriented as much toward TEACHING theater, vocal, dance skills as it is toward getting a show ready for performance!
Payment: Non Paid
City or Location of call: Affton, MO
Please submit to: by 2016-01-11
This casting notice was posted by: RockShow Academy


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