Kirk Franklin son Kerrion Franklin released Audio of his conversation with his dad today 😳


Audio complements of Chatty Patti.

B-13 Peer Review: My Thoughts

Editor: WillyBill

This is needed; it is a very eye opening situation. This draws national attention to improperly blended families. In this case and improperly blended family were money and fame exacerbate what has come all too common place in this modern world. A world were man thinks he knows better than THE AUTHOR OF LIFE who says wait until marriage to have sex. No one wants to roll up their sleaves and commit to real systemic change were both father and son's can heal. This is a teachable moment, This a moment to call all fathers to the carpet. Father's pay close attention this is a much broader cry for father son healing! 

Fame does not insulate you from the upshot of good, bad, nor negligentful parenting! Perhaps if Kirk Franklin hadn't heard ALMIGHTY GOD through the street preacher I pray that Kirk Franklin adhere to GOD through his sons cry for help!


Video complements of Bible Flock

Kirk needs to shed all the fame, this is not a time for damage control, no interviews,  as he and his nuclear family are doing. Kirk shed your ego, shed himself of the titles; The grammies; put his daughter in her place and commit to healing with his first born. Perhaps he should put all that energy that he had with the street preacher into building, repairing, and fasting and praying over this situation. Stand fast and watch the salvation of the LORD! Everyone including his wife needs to step back and allow Kirk to walk that walk alone. Afford this situation the attention it calls for with GOD and your son this is a time to heal!!!! Everyone needs to back off and pray for them both! Kirk Franklin can have a greater ministry if he handles this right! 

I want to thank Kerrion Franklin for becoming vulnerable enough to share your pain and shine a light on this very touchy and much needed international conversation that isn't getting the attention that is so desperately needed!!! However, Kerrion you have to put aside every encumbrance and commit to and be willing to do the work.   This is not the time to play the blame game just fix it!!!


Kirk Franklin what are you going to do?!!!!!!


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