Tisha Campbell Talks Almost Being Abducted

Breaking Story...

32 minutes ago Tisha Campbell was almost abducted by three dubious assailants while waiting for a taxi. Tisha immediately took to Tik Tok to share the account. 

A "sketchy" van was going to try and take her when she was given a phone number to call for a cab. She details that It's a sketchy-looking van, but there's a guy in the back. So when he gets out, he's just standing there. I thought he was getting dropped off, but he's just standing there. He says'Get in', and I'm like, 'What? '. "Get in," he says, "but I said "no!","
 Campbell replied

I have several questions for Campbell about the attempted abduction: 
  1. Who was the man that gave you the number? 
  2. Why couldn't you drive to set?
  3. Did you call the police?
  4. What was the racial make up of the assailants?
  5. How did you get to set?
  6. The man that gave you the number was he with the production?
  7. What state are you in?
  8. Will you be a reboot of the show, Martin?
  9. What are you currently working on so that we can keep a look out for it?
  10. Will you champion the cause? (Trafficking)

Going forward Tisha keep your eyes open in Hollyweird, because the people around you are not alway for you. Now that these companies can take insurance policies out on you , without your concent stars are falling like never before...

Trafficking is very real since 2020 trafficking of locals in my town has picked up trememdously both little boys and little girls. I am convinced if the black community would pull together and keep their eyes and ears open we could stop the abduction and subsequent disappearance of our youth. 

It is my hope that Tisha Campbell would use her encounter to champion the cause. 

Missing Please be on the look out for the following kids: 


My Mother In Law always warned me, "Every smile ain't a smile of gladness; and every tear ain't a tear of sadness."

Stay Prayed up ya'll


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