Wendy Williams Denies Mental Health Allegations After Wells Fargo Freezes Her Bank Accounts

B-13 Peer Review: Note from the editor

For you that follow my blog you know I don't always like to break a story. I sometimes like to wait until the facts come out before I respond in some cases and this is one. I am truly not a fan of Wendy Williams, so what I am about to say comes from an objective place. It doesn't take me to be a follower to have compassion for another human being. It is me responding to what I consider #mansinhumanitytoman

Now that being said let get into what I am thinking on this subject. 

After watching the videos and listening to all the bloggers and fans here is what I think. Before I get into it I want to preface by saying I don't steal ideas of other bloggers because #GODgaveyouabrainuseit. Nor will I shadow stalk other bloggers to get content without giving them credit; because, "I have my own thoughts," now that being said, let's get into it. 

I believe Wells Fargo has a reason to block Wendy's accounts and did the right thing. If Wendy was well why didn't she go into Wells Fargo and just simply clear things up? Wendy is very strategic and she in my mind would have went to the bank with paparazzi, and lawyers to prove she was in her right mind; and they had better give her, her money. 

I would not be here wondering if Wendy went to the bank, if she sent her son, or did she go in with him... (The latter were the dual story line depending on who you follow.) 

Now I am not going to dig deep into this video. I feel I don't have to discount it's claims in order to prove that this video feels out of step with the Wendy we all have come to know and love or love to hate.

First, It is not what is said in the video that disturbs me it's what is not addressed that give me pause. Wendy loves what she do and she loves her fans because they keep her going in my humble opinion. Wendy loves her fans so much that she would have not had the opportunity to speak and not address what was going on. Especially when it comes to her finances.

Everything else in this video seems to be an all out attempt to get to Wendy's money. Orchestrated by 5 key players: 
  1.  Calvin Hunter; 
  2.  Sharina Hudson; 
  3. Thomas Williams; 
  4. Kevin Hunter Jr; and
  5. Lori Schiller
They are using Kevin or Calvin Jr. to do it. 

Wells Fargo is a major financial institution and they will not just take someone's word for it in their process to protect the accounts of their clients. They - have - cause! 

Now I do not know who it is that is controlling the narrative of Wendy Williams-Hunter; however, in my opinion it is not Wendy; she is somehow incapacitated and/or unable to address this directly. If I had my guess it is "The 3 Inglorious bastards."

1. Kevin Hunter
2. Sharina Hudson
3. Thomas Williams

Let's break it down:

1.and 2. Kevin (Calvin) Hunter Sr and Sharina Hudson - According to The Sunday Omony Show and Radar Online. (Ignore all of what they are saying about Wendy, I don't believe none of it.) I believe Kevin Sr is controlling that narrative. Listen for Sharina and Calvin's mocking Wendy's condition...   

Wendy Williams EX HUSBAND Kevin Hunter Becomes YOUTUBER For EXTRA INCOME 

I believe Kevin Sr was controlling all of what we are seeing. He is attempting to control the narrative  questioning her mental stability. It was his hopes to get Wells Fargo to release hold so that he could control the estate through mutual attorneys. 

That is until Wendy's devoted fans kicked back questioning  Wendy's state of mind for such a decision to retain mutual representation in this and all matters. Then they decided to pull Kevin Jr in to take POA;(I will dig deep into Jr. later.) In order to get access to Wendy's accounts. I believe it was the questionable activity of Kevin, Sharina, and Thomas that prompted Wells Fargo to freeze the accounts. (We will talk more about Thomas later.) Lori's roll her I do not have enough information to determine weather she is a shero or villian. 

Now one of the roomers I want to address for continuity's sake. I do not think that Wendy being jealous of Shari Shepard is beyond Wendy; However, the Wendy we know and love or love to hate would have shown up and taken the mic. (LOL) Wendy Williams is a formidable woman and is not beyond however, subtle competition. I do not believe Wendy is physically capable or/nor mentally stable enough to address  what is going on. There is too much effort to prove she is not incapacitated without actually proving it. 

As for Kevin Sr that $10 Million according to what I read was a buy out; and did not do for him and Sharina what he thought it would he is now desperately searching for another payday. Remember, Kevin knows how to control the narrative using the media. He did it for Wendy for 10 years. Wendy's smart $10 Million buy out is all that I can find that attributes to Kevin's worth and it is my contention that is the well is drying up. So I believe we are possibly watching a real life, "Weekend at Bernie's" playing out before our eyes.

Now do you really think that Sharina Hudson would let Kevin
Return to Wendy Williams if there was nothing in it for her? 
Even if Wendy wanted to return to Kevin I am so sure that Sharina
is not having it. She has shown us that she is conniving, sadistic,
selfish, and impulsive. If Wendy was in sound mind and body 
I am so sure Sharina would have a problem with that! 

Moreover, according to Chronicle Speaks  September 21st episode, less that a
year ago Kevin and Sharina was making fun of Wendy's 
condition publicly. I am also under the persuasion that theCOVID - 19 shot may have had something to do with Wendy's 
current condition. That they all are trying to take advantage
3. Thomas Williams and Wendy has had a very public 
and tumultuous relationship. It became public after the mother's
Death. Tommy as he is called in my opinion has been publicly pining for
celebrity on nepotistic entitlement only; at the expense of his 
well known buoyant forlorn sister. 

Tommy has been relentless at attempting to capitalizing on the 
sensational love hate relationship people have for his famous 
sibling and that is a bit parasitic in my opinion. Wendy's fans 
are having none of it.

Which brings me to his involvement in this matter. I believe 
Tommy is an opportunist it's not how he was raise however,
it is what he has become. New York is a very competitive city
so I could see how you would develop the by any means necessary
type persona. Notwithstanding, it is my belief that he would have not been the person for Kevin to send on a press
junket speaking for his enbattled sister. 

Wendy Williams Calls Her BROTHER GAY On Her Show! (video from JOA)

Immediately when Tommy appeared on the Sharell's World fans erupted in anger at the fact that he
would be the spokes person for his sister. They would have rather hear from Wanda William's check it out: 

Wendy get restraining order against Wells Fargo & accounts unfrozen + Adele

As you will see the people erupted into a resounding; Where is Wanda? No one wanted to hear from Tommy. I believe that Tommy has partnered with Kevin in his efforts to take control of Wendy's estate. Throughout Wendy's divorce from Kevin Tommy has consistently sided with Kevin. I do not believe Tommy is to be trusted.  





I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. 

If you have celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist or entertainer and want to share contact us. We are launching a podcast at the end of March so stay tuned we will keep you updated here. 

It is my contention that Wendy Williams does not want to come back to the show. She has other plans. 


The Sunday Omony Show


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