Christian Keys! SMDH! What have you gotten yourself into?

 Disclaimer: Everything here is alleged and my expressed thoughts ideas. The allegations are purely my own. Based on my sources sited below and facts as reported in public record. 

Christian Keys

I was with Christian Keys because of what I knew of him... I knew him to be a very stand up man. However, it is coming to light that Christian's allegations although thy maybe real, his outrage may not be, at least about the sexual assault or harrassement allegedly. His outrage may be a manipulation maneuver surrounding he and Tyler's series, "All The Queens Men" as presumed below. 

March 30, 2022, Larry Lamont Ledford filed a lawsuit against Tyler Perry, Lawyer, Dayna Thomas Cook Esq, and Christian Keys for copywrite infringement, Presiding Judge was Judge John K Larkson, Esq. It was alleged that plaintiff submitted intellectual copywrited material to Tyler Perry Studios or TPS.  

However, according to case filings Larry alleges that Christian stole the idea from him and shopped it around with no takers for years. 

Additionally, Christian has not worked for Tyler Perry since 2008.

However, he went to Tyler his old boss, mentor, friend to pitched this idea for a series in books and a television series and Tyler agreed. 

If back in 2008 Tyler was this agressively sexual assailant why would you go back must have been desparate!

This book was turned into the series, "All The Queens Men." Now Larry's lawsuit was dismissed twice before it was resently granted to proceed and overseen by Presiding Judge Elenore L. Ross on 30 November 2023 ; December 1, 2023 the case was allowed to proceed forma pauperis (In the manner of a pauper.) December 6, 2023 case was officially assigned to Judge Ross. 

Nonetheless, the case is now up for negotiation between TPS and Larry Lamont Ledford. Christian Keys has no legal standing, all of his contracts are now knull and void; because he didn't sell the show to TPS he licensed it, moreover, in light of the lawsuit he has no legal standing in this matter. 

Weather Tyler knew about the copywrite infringement or not that is not clear, Nonetheless, Tyler wants the show, so it is not clear what these proceedings will include. However, what is clear is that Christian feels that Tyler is stealing his show and 10 days after negotiations started Christian went live on IG to announce that he has been sexually assaulted and sexually harrassed by a billionaire and an actress. 

Christian is probably out of money and thinks this will secure him a the bag that he lost as a result of the lawsuit. He knows what the public thinks of Tyler based on rumor, and conjecture so he decides to use this to his advantage. 

Weather the allegations are true or not who knows I just see this as a shake down and criminal. 

He has attempted to secure a victory by galvanizing public opinion because he already knows what people think of Perry weather warranted or not.

Should people be allowed to weaponize sexual assault for monetary gain?

However, I raised an eyebrow when I saw this:

- AND -

...And there was no response from Christian Keys?!!!

I am so sorry to Tyler Perry for believing this amid the collective. I usually wait to get all the facts before forming an opinion. Here because I had met Christian and my lasting impression of him was that he was an honorable man. I walked into this with a bias, and I have always thought Tyler could do so much more with what he has been given and my own partiality got in my way!

All the Queen's Men has not been renewed as of December 23, 2023. I believe it will after negotiations concludes. Only without Christian Keys! Of course everything has not come out but from what I have seen so far this is my conclusion. 


Georgia Northern District Court

Judge:Eleanor L Ross
Case #:1:23-cv-05472
Nature of Suit820 Property Rights - Copyrights
Cause28:1338 Copyright Infringement

Free R. Kelly!

Y'all don't hear me thought! 

- This is Willy Bill of B-13 Peer Review

...And I'm out! 



Facebook Business







I know some of you are mainstream media zeitgeists and outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. All I ask is that you give me credit for my hard work. 

If you have celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist or entertainer and want to share your thoughts or story contact us. 


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