Reality Show Casting Men and Women With an Online Crush

Got a Crush?

Location: nationwide
Type: Reality TV
Have a crush on someone amazing but find it hard to take the next step?
Feel like you are stuck in the “friend zone?”
Maybe you have an office crush or crush on your lifelong best friend…
Does time, distance or other scenarios make it hard for you to take it to the next level?
Do you spend hours chatting on the phone or texting emoji’s ?
Wish you had more face-to-face vs “FaceTime”?
If this sound like you or someone you know…let us help! A Major Network based in Los Angeles, is now casting outgoing men and women in their late-20′s to late-30′s who spend most of their time together texting or social media.
reality show now casting
  • Send both of your full names
  • Contact information (Both emails and phone #’s)
  • Both of your ages
  • Where you both currently live
  • Both of your occupations
  • 1 clear photo of each of you and if you have any photos together send a few …NO sunglasses or hats please.
Tell us your story!
  • How, when and where you met
  • Describe why you get along so well.
  • Describe the relationship and how social media, internet and technology play an important role in your relationship.
  • Explain why your relationship is not progressing.
*There will be compensation for your participation if you are selected for the final cast

Payment: Other
City or Location of call: nationwide
Please submit to:
This casting notice was posted by: Major Network


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