Dallas / Plano Texas Theater “It’s A Wonderful Life”

Auditions for It’s a Wonderful Life, The Musical

Location: Dallas, Texas
Type: Theater

Auditions for It’s a Wonderful Life, The Musical will be held at the International Conservatory of Performing Arts in Plano on Saturday, Sept. 26th from 10a-1pm. Bring current headshot/resume. Prepare Uptempo or ballad, 32 measures plus a 1 minute monologue. Accompanist provided as well as cd player for backing tracks. All Ages, men, women, children.

Rehearsals run Oct.-Nov. Mondays, Wednesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

7:00pm-9:30 (weekdays), 10a-1pm (Saturdays). This is an Open Call.

Auditions will be held at 915 W. Parker Rd in Plano, Texas at the International Conservatory of Performing Arts - 972-422-4689.

Its a Wonderful Life Musical

Payment: Non Paid
City or Location of call: Dallas, Texas
Please submit to: rhackett@iconservatorypa.com
This casting notice was posted by: International Conservatory of Performing Arts


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