Jussie Smollett’s legal team demands emergency release as family shares threatening call.


This man (Jussie Smollet) will stop at nothing to avoid his ephemeral prison sentence. These young people are not very knowledgeable when it comes to law. Especially the entitled ones. There is no legal basis for letting someone out of prison because they received external or internal threats. Sadly, enough his attorneys should know that there is no legal locus for this argument. He should have hired a more qualified lawyer that could look at the facts of his case and find a legal loophole, which these days is not that difficult to do. 

Today, lawyers are not worth the gum on the bottom of my shoe unless it is a tort case. Criminal law, and criminal justice has been bought by the oligarchs in order to make money off of the private prison system introduced by Ron Reagan. Criminal defense lawyers don't know law and/or don't give a damn they will take your money and do nothing for you unless you have deep pockets. Juries new legal standard of guilt is based on a civil court statue, The Preponderance of the evidence, not the Presumption of Innocents the constitution guarantees. 

The Crimes bill is still in effect and will not be lifted. The people know it and are not bright and /or don't care enough to force Biden to rescind it. 

Jussie's case is a cut and dry conviction. However, there is one thing about this case that threatens the rights of us all. As much as I believe Jussie is guilty, as much as I believe he deserves what he has gotten. I have one question:

Is this double Jeopardy?

Should that be the basis for his appeal? Is his legal team savvy enough to know that? I just have not heard this as a possibility. In my humble opinion he should be granted an appeal on the grounds of double jeopardy. If he wins he should sue the Feds and the City of Chicago. 

I personally think he should appeal on those grounds and I agree with his lawyers the conviction should be thrown out; unless they have proven Kim Foxx to have been compromised. However, that is not going to happen. The white liberal Democrats are too busy collecting that money from the Nazi War Criminal George Soros. They don't want any attention drown to him because the Democratic gravy train stops. (A gravy train that should be illegal in my opinion.) George Soros plays chess with the economy of great nations; Like the Brittan and now the U.S. and makes Billions. #WakeUpAmerica 


Found guilty: 5 counts of felony misconduct/ Class 4 Felony the lowest class felony in the state of Illinois.

Evidence: (As laid out by Judge James Linn) Jussie Smollet:

1. Crime of premeditation: Script (Bad B movie)

Jussie wrote a script; "You gonna encounter me on the street, yell out Empire!" "F**k'en Nigger you gonna hit me; you gonna beat me up. You gonna pour bleach on me. You gonna put a noose around my neck."

He hired the Osundairo Brothers to act it out. He paid them in advance by check. (Shown into evidence)

He chose the date time and location. 

He also had props prepared.

He gave the Osundairo brothers $100 to buy the supplies.


  • Masks
  • Red hat 
  • Rope
  • Bleach
 - Evidence of rehearsals with the Brothers. 

- He picked them up and did drive bys'

- He drove around the block several times 

- He picked the brothers up in Lakeview (Where the brothers lived)

- He was spotted on camera showing the Osundairo brothers their blocking. (Blocking refers to the precise movement and positioning of actors on a stage or film in order to facilitate the performance desired.)

- He was going over the lines that he wrote in the script with the brothers. 

- He again ( As if directing a film) gave the brothers direction and rolls in the way in which he wanted  this to play out. 

- He contacted the brothers though social media and text ( He communicated the time his flight would arrive in Chicago which was 2am.)

- To corroborate his narrative he gets his manager Brandon (Not aware of the plot) on the phone. Jussie wanted Brandon to hear the attack in order to have a witness. 

- He (after getting Brandon on the phone) got the Osundairo brothers to get an Uber from their home in Lakeview to Old Town. They get out of the Uber and into a cab. The cab goes to Streeterville however, not to the scene where the staged event was to take place. Just a few blocks away so that no one sees them actually get out the cab. He instructed them to leave their cell phones at home. 

- The Osundairo Brothers arrived early, they sit on a bench. They proceed to meet him at the place Jussie planned at the time Jussie planned it. Then they encounter Joosie (lol) they act it out as Jussie wrote. As it is playing out Jussie got scared up however, they were not able to get the noose around Jussie's neck. Jussie them proceeds to grab his things; picks up his cell phone and began talking to Brandon who was intended to corroborate his story. 

- He then grabbed his food and the noose that they were not able to get around his neck; Jussie proceeded to put it around his own neck. 

- He goes home (Shown on video) he has this noose around his neck. He goes into his apartment the police are called. The police arrive; body camera on, officer sees the noose around Joosie's neck. However, when investigating officers go to examine the hotel  footage the noose was hanging loose around Jussie's neck. Upon examining the body cam footage the noose was tightened around his neck when officers arrived to his apartment.

This ain't over... 






I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. All I ask is that you give me credit for my hard work. 

If you have celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist or entertainer and want to share contact us. We are launching a podcast at the Sunday, April 3rd @ 6pm; so stay tuned we will keep you updated here and our other platforms above.


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