The Psycho saga Continues: Jojo Smollet says the negro community failed (lol) Joosie because of homophobia... LMBO!


Video: Kempire

We all like to watch a good celebrity psycho story it give us surrealism. We love to watch stars rise and fall; however, when that psychosis is a collective it gets scary! Brrrrr! Moreover, it is spine-chilling when it takes down the celebrities and public figures that you hold in high regard. Well this Jussie Smollet saga is absolutely celebrity and public figure mass insanity. So much so that JoJo Smollet is willing to throw the negro community under the bus because they will not share in his brother's maniacal delusions. 

Is there anyone in the celebrity and public figure community that will speak truth to power? Not that we need it; I just find it satiatingly calming when you hear sanity in an insane world. This sage give me the heebiejeebies; Jussie seems to have a grandeur magalomania complex. To see a 40 year old man act like a 5 year old is contemptable. A real man take responsibility for himself and knows that the fallout is short live; however, his conscience is cleared. Jussie's conscience is forever seared. He doesn't realise that it is not about what people believe it is what you know that matters. He have dreams of going down in history as an activist for gay rights; the Joan of Arc of all things gay. A fight that he had to create to initiate his rise to preeminance. 

He seems to be a little boy fighting to be noticed and he will die with the lie. That is why I fear that we will never get to see his full potential as the phenominal actor, singer, and activist that he otherwise would rightfully deserved. 

JoJo no the negro community is not homophobic they just know BS when they hear it. Especially the people of Chicago; remember they doubted his story as soon as they heard it because they know their city. They were making fun of the cops because contrary to popular opinion they took this very seriously initially. That is until they could no longer ignore the obvious. 

... And JoJo if you need convincing about your rediculous comment; If Jussie was a straight man it wouldn't have gotten that far. Just look around your brother, Bill Cosby, R. Kelly, and a host of other black male celebrities that actually don't belong were they are/were. Jussie on the other hand earned his place there so deleteriously. Finally, JoJo the antithetical  truth is the pubic are the collective experts on all subjects upto and including this because they always turn out to be right. The outcry was based on the merits of Jussie's claims and not his sexuality. 

JoJo use legal arguments and not a delusional emotional one because if you do perhaps you will see clearly. We all want the best of our loved ones however, to skirt the law to do it is a dangerous proposition for us all. 

Now, I do agree that Jussie may have a case for double jeapardy. I would like to see how they kneaded the statue to have him answer to the people for this crime a second time. That Jojo would be a real legal position in this case. The justice and outcry that you seek is legally there. So, to insisting that your brother is innocent is only making matters worse. It is an insult to the corporate consciousness of we the people & our common sense; and quite arrogant. Soooooo, Jojo STOP!

For the record Jojo homosexuality goes against nature the black community don't have a problem apparently your brother does. The negro community hasn't failed Joosie; Jojo don't you know charity starts at home! Telling your love ones the hard truth even when it is not popular would make them only better. Have you brother reach for excellence and he won't have to worry about being seen he would organically migrate to greatness. Just look at Barack and Michelle Obama. 

For the record before you speak I was a huge fan of Empire and I was a huge fan of Jussie. It was my belief that Jamal Lion and Cookie Lyon was that show. I believe your brother had a bright future, the sky was the limit for Jussie. As Judge Linn said and I infatically believe, Jussie was his own worst enemy.

He kicked his own a** for clout... 

I believe it is not to late for Jussie he can clean all of this up; all he has to do is tell the truth. We already assume he was on a binge of drugs and sex when this happened. Nothing is going to change that, no matter how outraged you are that the public won't believe Jussie the way you want to sell it. The American public are forgiving and they will forget, I know it doesn't seem like it but it may sound cliche' but the truth shall set you free. Get with it!

This is - WillyBill

I'm out! 





I know some of you are mainstream media outlets coming here to get your talking points. It's ok I'm not upset I want this info out there no matter who it comes from. 

If you have celebrity news, political news, or if you are an artist or entertainer and want to share contact us. We are launching a podcast on Sunday, April 3rd @ 6pm stay tuned we will keep you updated here. 






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