5 People Who Should Play Bobby Brown Instead Of Idris Elba
In the process of reacting to our story, many of our readers made suggestions as to who they would like to see play Bobby Brown. After looking at the comments, all we have to say is if you thought we were a little too cutting with our words, you haven’t seen anything yet. Our readers are just like us and we love them for it. As a token of our love, we decided to write a piece based on their reactions. Here are the five men The Urban Daily‘s Facebook readers would like to see play Bobby Brown instead of Idris Elba. Don’t get mad at us. It was their prerogative!
5. Chris Rock
Chris Rock got his start in film with bit parts in Eddie Murphy flicks. He didn’t really come into prominence until he played crack-addicted Pookie in the street classic “New Jack City.” You see where I’m going with this? Rock’s experience as Pookie will easily transfer to Brown’s story. Pookie and Bobby Brown have many drug addict traits in common. Pookie started doing drugs and kicked the habit. Bobby Brown began getting frisky with the nose candy and crack. Both kicked the habit and relapsed also. Plus, if Rock took the role of Bobby Brown, he would have an excuse to continue to wear the ashy crackhead afro he was sporting at this year’s Oscars. Y’all thought we forgot about that, didn’t you?
4. Bokeem Woodbine
Most people don’t even know his name. They just know him as Jason’s crazy brother from “Jason’s Lyric.” Since Bokeem Woodbine was cast in the 1994 film, audiences can’t really picture him as anything else other than a villain. Although there is a personal reason behind Brown’s destructive behavior, the media had no mercy when painting Brown as the creepy villain who ruined Princess Whitney’s life. Despite Woodbine being way more yoked than Brown’s scrawny self ever tried to be, Bokeem’s gap is sure to at least garner him an audition.
3. Usher
Known for his talent on the music front more so than his acting, Usher would be a good fit simply because he’s studied the life of Bobby Brown and tried to be him during the earlier part of his career. Back in 1998, when Usher was Janet Jackson‘s opening act, he performed a full half hour of Bobby Brown hits complete with signature Brown dance steps. However, we think Usher might not take the role after the two got into a huge screaming, pushing and shoving match a few years ago. Bobby Brown wouldn’t want Usher all in the movie’s mix anyway. Have you seen “The Faculty” or Light It Up? What about the most awful film created in the history of ever and creation known as “In the Mix”? Who knows? He might have gotten better. He is playing Sugar Ray Leonard in a new film. So we will see.
2. Bobby Brown
Just like nobody can sing like Eddie King Jr., nobody can play Bobby Brown like Bobby Brown. He wouldn’t have to call it acting. He can call it therapy or whatever he needs to get him through the shoot. We are choosing not to call what Bobby Brown does “acting” because he was “acting” in “A Thin Line Between Love and Hate” and was superbly awful. His next “acting” job came in the form of the straight-to-the-five-dollar-bin classic “Gang of Roses” with LisaRaye, Lil Kim, and Stacey Dash. But how bad can he be as himself, right?
1. Flava Flav
I know, I know. Flava Flavis not an actor. Unless you count the here-today-gone-tomorrow sitcom he starred in “Under One Roof.” But if anybody knows the severity of crack and cocaine, it’s William Jonathan Drayton Jr. The way I see it, Flava Flav could play the role of Bobby Brown’s brain on drugs. Instead of looking at a frying egg, we could just get Flav to throw out his signature catchphrases straight to camera. Picture this scene, Whitney Houston is in the middle of screaming at Bobby and he isn’t paying attention. Houston annoyingly calls out his name and when he answers, his words are slurred. Houston asks, “Bobby, ya high?!” The movie cuts to the inside of Bobby’s brain where Flav sits and goes, “Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhh Boooooooooooyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee!!!!”
Who else do you think we should have put on the list of actors to play Bobby Brown instead of Idris Elba?
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