Pitbull's 'Men in Black 3' Song 'Back in Time' Revealed

Last week, it was revealed that the upcoming Men in Black 3 would shake up tradition and not feature a rap from Mr. Fresh Prince aka star Will Smith—but it wouldn't quite do away with the musical keystone either. Taking on the alien-infused hip-hop duties from Smith was it-performer Pitbull, who, like his rapper/actor predecessor, delivers equal doses charisma and melody into his pop chart hits. But the question reamined: could a newcomer really maintain the danceability and silliness that made the original 1999 hit "Men in Black" a huge hit?

Now, Sony has released the singer's Men in Black single "Back in Time," which gives Smith's late '90s tie-in masterpiece a run for its money (and washes away any bad tastes left over from Men in Black 2's "Black Suits Comin'"). The song, written by Pitbull (aka Armando C. Perez), Marc Kinchen, Adrian Trejo and Urales Vargas, features a sample of the 1950s R&B hit "Love is Strange" by Mickey & Sylvia and plenty of plot-informed references (in the movie Smith's J travels back-in-time to save the life of his partner K).

Listen to the single in the player below, and begin speculation on whether or not Huey Lewis and the News should sue Pitbull for stealing the title of their Back to the Future tie-in song of the same!


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